The comparison is done on several basis such as
- Pickup(Performance)
2 .Mileage
Comfort and Stability.
Please note:(A bike must not be judged(good or bad) by a single aspect , but by considering the overall package.
- Pickup. Pulsar 150 Honda unicorn
9/10 8/10
Although pulsar have more pick up than unicorn, but unicorn has smooth pickup instead of a sudden jolt.
2 .Mileage Pulsar 150 Honda Unicorn
8/10 9/10
I have considered here mileage of 150 cc bikes and given points accordingly. the mileage returned by both are nearly the same(but it depends strictly on the way these are ridden by the rider) points are given assuming that both are driven by the same persons under same condition.
But bajaj here heated the engine very much by providing twin sparks(for better combustion).
- Style: Totally a Subjective matter, not objective at all.
My Personal opinion
Pulsar = - 10/+10
Unicorn= 8/10
I simply Hate pulsars style.
Bajaj idiots have provide the same style for p150, p180, p200, p220? what is this man, why? in my opinion they must look unique.
- Comfort and stability:
Pulsar 150 Honda Unicorn
3/10 10/10
IM driving bikes for the last 10 years, but I fell very unstable while riding pulsar, it becomes very difficult for me to maintain the balance of the bike in heavy traffic, on the other hand the stability of the unicorn is very good and it really handles like a feather despite being heavy. you will definitely love to ride this bike. Looking sporty by bending your back and your legs is just like a punishment, to me. so why spending money to get the punishment on rubish like pulsar?
Please do not compromise comfort and stability over style.
- Quality: Pulsar 150 Honda Unicorn
2/10 10/10
Pulsar dies after 2 years, where as unicorn performs as new even after 5 years. that is because of the quality(engine and other things) . correct if am wrong about this.
Unicorn is for Gentlemans and Pulsar is for Rascals Choose Accordingly.
Hope this will provide some new/useful info to the viewers.
Happy holi to all & and take care.