I am using HH CBZ for last 10 years. It is in good condition and does not have any problem at all. I wish to change my bike and wish to go for Honda Unicorn. I have learnt that Honda is coming with an upgraded version of Unicorn in near future. They have put a digital speedometer and an odo with analog RPM meter.
I am ready to wait for 2-3 months or even more. Can anyone tell me when is the newer version coming in the market? I know honda has recently launched a new Unicorn with the CB suffix. The only change I found was the A viscous air filter. Frankly speaking I am not impressed with the changes which they have made.
I have test driven Suzuki GS 150, Honda Unicorn, Yamaha FZ. I think Unicorn is far better than its compitition bikes. Please pore in your thoughts and help me buy a good bike.
Thank you.
Ajay Oke.