Hello All,
This is my first review on this site and what a product I got to write this.
The HONDA UNICORN Take ONE- When I first looked at it the impression I got was...uhmmm okish types. Bulky and doubtful about handling it easily. The tank looked really ugly without neone sitting on the bike.
Take TWO- I sat on it.Aaaahhhhhhh!!!. great seat. Removed it from the stand. And reversed it.. Good Lord I never expected it to be such a babe. There was NO indication of the weight it showed by its looks. KUDOS to the HONDA engineers. The seat is somewhat lower than pulsar and CBZ.
Take THREE- I start the bike. I Strain my ears to hear whether it has started or not. I race the engine.YES!! it had indeed started. 1 down 4 up pattern, a Thumbs UP compared to all 5 down of pulsar 150.
Take FOUR- Shift into first gear, race it and ...........off it goes. Good pickup. I rode at arnd 30km/hr at 5th gear. No problems at all.. The disc brakes are also quite effective.
The riding experience is great!!! all in all a good package if you are ready to wait its waiting period.( I heard its 3 months now)
My friends bike has done 1500km and 1st servicin. its given him 55km/litre.. not bad.! This bike is good for any power freak..( but still a loong way to go if u compare the RD350:-) or even the bullet.
Saw it ... rode it....loved it. SO GET UR PAIR OF WINGS NOW!!!!
bye bye,
Anand R