Ive baught Unicorn 150cc - regular one - non-limited-edition model - this week only (June 10th 2007) in Ahmedabad @ 65k approx on road. I used to drive passion plus 100cc approx. I did a lot of research on Mouthshut and elsewhere then decided on Unicorn as oppsed to Pulsar, CBZ etc.
So, first up the 150cc power feels good.
Unicorn is very comportable. Sitting position is better in long haul as compared to Pulsar.
A little better average then pulsar as well. CBZs average ruled it out for me.
I would dlike to point out a few minuses/concerns at this stage and Id be grateful if some one can clarify / help / give tips.
Wing Rider - okay but it sways in stronger then usual wind...too light in terms of weight or what?
Rains - I just drove it in rains today for the first time, I was and still am most worried about getting slipped on it. It does not seem to grip a wet road at all. Very very concerned...worried actually.
Handling - Handle does not feel very free...hope it improves after first service
Jumpers - new type of shock obervers...leave a big gap on the right hand side...nothing to protect a foot or a piece of clothing from getting into the wheel on that side.
Else its good yaar. Good to move onto 150cc...did not see much utility of 180cc in the city traffic and averages decline as the CCs increase. Average is a concern with these ever increasing fuel prices cause I have to drive it daily for about 40kilometers.
Will keep you posted after some time if I survive the monsoon on this thing man.