Love at first sight is an exaggeration, I have always held. But Unicorn was an exception, back in the days when I first saw it (in 2004).
I was a 1st year college student then, and as is common with that age, was passionate about bikes. I remember calling my dad straight away and asking him if he will buy me one as promised (if I made it to a decent engineering college, and I did manage that :)). This review is more of my Love story with my 1st (true) love, than the technical specifications. Am too bad at mechanical details and all I can give you here is my experience and satisfaction with the Unicorn.
Test drive was itself quite an experience. I drove Pulsar and some other vehicles available then, but Unicorn was a class apart in its refinement and performance. I immediately booked the vehicle. On 22nd jan, 2005, I received my dream machine. It was the 1st lot from HMIL with a self start, the only thing whose reliability I was not sure about. More than 4.5 years, 30000 kms and several memories later, am still in Love with my bike. I dont let any one else drive my sweet heart. The handling is still smooth. Engine makes a bit more sound than when it was new but is still better than most machines on the road. My average maintenance bill is around 500INR/3000Kms.
I still get a mileage of 50+ and never, not even once has this baby let me down.The gear shift is as smooth as any thing can be. Pickup lives up to the claimed 0-60 in 4-6 seconds. It starts (always), in one kick, or one push of a button. The color (silver) is still very much new and apart from some small knick-knacks, it has always reminded me that, at times, Love at first sight aint that bad.
If you want a bike which will last years, a bike which will be low on maintenance , a bike which will give you the speed when you want it and a comfortable riding position for long rides with your girl behind, buy a unicorn. This was true when I bought it, its true still.
Looks, well I will not rate it as high as the yamahas babe on the road. It surely is a compromise on the looks front (though, this is a matter of personal choice) , but overall, its a complete bike, which will not let you down, not at least for 5 years.
I hope this write-up helps. :-)
Happy wing riding.