I am driving bikes for about 20 years or so and I was looking for a bike generally for medium distance biking. I did not look much and opted for Honda Unicorn purely on its pedigree and I was not let down.
firstly the performance, its engine is very responsive and smooth and its purrs instead of making sound of a comparable engine capacity. I found it with abundance of power even at 5th gear. At high speeds also, engine note and vibration is very comfortable. but initial starting is not upto the mark, each time I have to open the choke for some time to make the engine run sturdy. I dont know why it is so because other bike dont need choke unless its too cold.
Gear ratios are adequate but shifting from first to second brings me to neutral quite often. otherwise even 5th gear is backed with sufficient power to it.
Looks are not flambouyant but sober and gives regular solid appearance, colors and graphics may be more imaginative and with wider variation. sitting posture is excellent for long drives, does not strain the arms and the back much.
Fuel economy is excellent.
Getting the vehicle serviced is a big pain, as the honda workshops are few and simply the number of vehicles in the workshop at any given day is too huge so to give vehicle for servicing you have to stand in a queue and same thing one has to undergo once again at the time of delivery, the same trauma. I wish Honda expand its service workshop network quickly.
Overall I feel I did a right thing by picking up Unicorn.