Unicorn, first honda introduced MotorBike in India if not mistaken. It is almost been 2 months of my owned UNICORN from the date of purchase. This unicorn is the new model one, with has the stickering pasted and also with few major changes which are not noticeable.
- Riding Comfort:
Sitting comfort is too good. Much aligned to the body comfort. I, been height of 5, 10 and regular commuter of 30 Km always, has not got any back pain YET.
- Punched With Power:
With 150 CC and 13.1 Bhp, U get all u need to pace ur bike on the road.
- Mileage:
Not much with the mileage, there r ppl who say that 60+ kmpl is what they get. I have also heard a PULSAR in Goa gives 90+ kmpl. U may contact the Navelim, Goa pulsar showroom for more details.
The Mileage I get is 50-53kmpl on 90:10 Highway:City condition ride. My riding speed is 50:60:70 kmph on 20:70:10 percentage ratio.
- Looks:
There is lot of comments on its front BIKINI model look. And thats _true_. Noticed that there is no masculine vibrancy as like in PULSAR.
The back is upto mark and a dicto copy of karizma.
- Vibration:
There is hell lot of vibration on the vizer area when u race upto 70kmph on a less smooth road (i.e. on wavy road/ Pot holes).
As a quick fix, the technician as put a PACKING. But tht does not solve the vibration problem.
- Disc Sound:
New sound introduced recently when I apply the disc brake. This sound is like from a door which is not greesed properly.
Also there is one more sound from the front shocks side.
- Horn Sound:
The horn sound is average. But does not match to the bike of 150 cc caliber.
- Seat Cover:
I have purchased a seat cover from Honda Dealer for rs 125. But this seat cover has
developed a folds at the center.
I would be very much thankful, to help any new UNICORN buyers.
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