When its comes in a market for shown its fetures of hond 150 cc modl in show room its a very garguus and very beatiful modl hond unicorn 150 cc is very strong modl its sets very relax and very comfartable by other types of bikes unicorn is very best segment 150 cc in india this bikes compatation with other bikes like bajaj pulsr 150 yamha fz hunk etc will this bike sureve to compatation in its segment unicorn was a lunched sevan years back.
Till now it has recived few changes an air cooled4 stroke 150 cc ingine from honda powers unicorn this mono sylinder sl engins pumps out a net power ofm13.3 bhp at 8000 rpm while the troqe production of this engine is 12, 7 nm which arrives 5500rpm when every one switching to dizatagation honda has decided to stick with his anlouge instument cosole which fetures in unicorn.