I have been a proud owner of Unicorn(Self Start-Spoked wheel) for the last 15 Mths. My bike has already covered over 16000 Kms and she is a perfect companion. I have no issue with her and its stong, steady and reliable. I get a mileage of close to 51 Kms/ Ltr, which for me is good.
Coming for the class of 150cc, the bike is extremely powerful and perform well. The best thing of this bike is that its very silent and smooth. There is no knocking of the engines unless ofcourse there is a gear and speed mismatch. I have even teken the machine to extremes by putting her on ride for more than 150Kms at a go and its superb, you just feel like going on and on and on.
The breaking though has beeen a big problem with this bike, it tend to skid on the ear, but still manageable. Seat for the pillion rider is at a higher agle, making it difficult for elderly ppl and ladies to take the back seat. Also, for ppl with short height riding this bike might be discomforting.
This is surely the best bike in the 150cc segment. The bike comes from a strong brand "HONDA", a good service network and solid engineering frame.
Go for this bike, she is amazing, you take good care of her and she will give you a joy ride forever.