This is my first review on mouthshut.. I decided to buy UNICORN after reading reviews on Mouthshut. My friends suggested me Pulsar but I was never interested in it as it is very common and every second human being in Delhi have Pulsar (different variants offcourse). I never liked common things so I decided to go for Unicorn as it was perfect coz of my height.
I am 5ft 11 inch so it was perfect for me....pulsar is little bit small but has a good pick up wherein Unicorn is SMART, INTELLIGENT, POWERFUL, EASY TO RIDE, DIFFERENT. I have driven my bike almost 21000 kms, I bought it on 5th July, 2007 from J B HONDA, Jhandewalan, Karol Bagh. Reason for mentioning the showroom name is very important for me coz when I went to showroom to buy the bike it was almost on the verge of closing for the day however I called them up and told them dat I will b there soon.
When I reached the showroom the owner was there and he welcomed me, he did all the required documentation, I dont remember his name but he was well dressed, well spoken GENTLEMAN.......Now as if today I have completed all my six free services and trust me Friends I have NEVER EVER faced any problems while getting my bike serviced.
I have always got my bike with 4-6 hours on the same day of servicing. Lot of people say that service guys do not change the engine oil and service centers charge for that. Now READ THIS....J B HONDA has a customer sitting area whch is right in front of the servicing area, it is fully airconditioned and one can actually see their biike getting serviced and ENGINE OIL GETTING CHANGED :-).......
I also went to Kasauli along with my friends this April, ride was very comfortable on the highway and on the steep turns of Kasauli, I was actually amazed with the smoothness of the bike on steep turns. On highways I touched 115 KMS along with a pillion rider and bike was just riding perfect but guys please do not drive that fast on highways , It is DANGEROUS, I just wanted to check the top speed so I did that and yes I forgot to mention you that there was a 10 kg bag also on the back of the pillion rider. We reached Kasauli in approximately 8 hours with 90 minutes of break.......
Its ENGINE IS VERY SMOOTH if you are getting it serviced on regular intervals, always check your Air Pressure , it is very important for smooth and effective breaking....for goood mileage use company recommended gear pattern which is 10 km/1st gear, 20km/2nd gear, 30 kms/3rd gear and Sooo Onnn.......I have also got the mileage of 64 kms in Delhi, Isnt amazing guys.....150 CC bike giving you this mileage........Pick up is AMAZING if you change in a sugggested manner.....YOu can touch 60 kms in 5-6seconds.... I had beaten some pulsar on Red Lights :-) ......This BIKE is VERY SMOOTH, You can easily drive in the City, On the hilly areas......
Only thing I feel lacking is rear break, It is bit slow to react though you can adjust it as per your convienence but it reacts very late.....otherwise OVERALL I WOULD GIVE 10/10......
I will try to upload the video on Mouthshut, in the mean time if you want to see the Kasauli Video on my Unicorn, My Baby than please go to Orkut and search either Sandeep Oberoi or Trip to Kasauli Video......lemme know if you like it or the meantime.....