We all know how good the bike is, how right we were when we bought unicorn instead of any unreliable best selling 150 bike(u know what I mean?!) . the handling is even better than the cbz , the engine is a gem and the average is constant , the tank is really macho to make u feel like u r riding a beast , so much to say , its unflinching reliability. so u guys wanna know what I did to my unicorn? read on dude!!
i wanted to buy karizma but came to know its just 4 kgs heavier than the unicorn so u know I was already in love with it , so decided not to be unfaithful !! so what I did first I just observed what r the differences in between these two ; 1st the whole model ; 2nd the riding position , the unicorns commuterish where as the karizmas has a very sporty riding position ; 3rd the braking system; 4th the handle bar and 5th and not the least the tyres.
so I brought the hunks aluminium footrests; as it fitted the bike the best, actually all the bikes like cbz and cbz-extreme, and karizma all have the same footrests. so after fitting the footrests I did some changes to the right footrests by welding one nut to hold the footrest tightly, then changing the gear changer and brakes was not that hard with a good local mechanic, u need to buy new footrests also, then plonk in the hunk short handle bars , thats very easy I will say!! now to tell u the truth nothing could be done about the its looks bcuz already very macho looking more than karizma so left that part.
frist riding on this bike I had to change the silencer as well ; of the hunk, u know the the hunk and unicorn actually shares the same engine and silencer but the hunks has the sportier, so I had to change ; the original one was creating brake problems after the modifications ,
no I didnt changed the rear tyre bcuz , u wanna know why?well bcuz the handling was even better then the karizma without changing the tyres after all the mono suspension is just brialliant and works very well after such a small modification , its so sporty now I just dont have to buy any other bike for the next 5-6 years . why to lose such refined bike after all, now I really do wing riding.
this all costed me about 8000 but really worth it, its more nibble handling and more focussed.and really exiting , I am going to get a k&n filter and an iridium spark plug, can anybody tell me where to get in delhi although I live in agra! and what is rejetting the carburatter during fitting of the k&n filter,
I have been living in agra for the past 4 years and before I used to live in lucknow, when I came to agra I came for the job and I needed a bike with only 20000 in hand I wanted a bigger bike than pulsar so I bought unicorn es because the resale value here of this bike is very low in agra, people here have a different bheja altogether, but this bike being a second hand bike, behaved like new and upto this day its just fine, even more maintenance free than my very own HH passion, my bro has a pulsar, its about 4 years old like my unicorn, but theres a huge difference between the two, in terms of everything. whether it the handling or balance, braking or comfort, fuel effieciency or riding pleasure, unicorn scores really high. to this day I have no glitches , i always inspect the oil level and tyre pressure and keep servicing it time to time and it keeps me comfortably seated on its saddle all day long, not like my brother keeps tightening the bolts of his pulsar, pulsar was the bike I wanted but couldnt, then only opted for the unicorn but to my biggest surprise it the best ever, go for it but be careful in the running in period , the way u oprate your machine in the intial state, bike life depends on it , a peace of advice, never go beyond 3500 rpm for excellent mileage, and warm it up in morning fully than start running slowly for about 1 to 2 km than u can let the hell break loose and the the big beast take control, pulsar gets u girls ans worries but this give u a feeling of a faithful friend
bye for now
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