The fittings of the plastics such as the tail, head lamp housing and the seat which can never fix properly to the slot. I checked up with other unicorn owners and they claim to have same problems. Honda outlets have a pathetic service staff. They are reluctant to do anything extra except waterwash in the first service, so I had to take it thrice to correct the same problems. The brake shoe was horrible and wanted to have the drum and brake shoe cleaned, the service center staff told me that the brake was out of alignment and it was adjusted and it took only two minutes to do this. Give me a brake I am not new to bikes and I keep telling them that when ever I hit the brakes it is sloppy which means they will have to fit a new brake shoe or replace it. This happened after the first service. The whole bike is full of rattling noise from poorly fitted plastics. For heavens sake I am not riding in japan, it is india I am talking about where I have potholes every 10 meters and beleive me the bike rocks at every pot hole. When the engine is cold there is practically no acceleration because the bore clearance is very less and for this I will have to wait atleast 3000 kms before it becomes alright. The petrol jet spray is very thin for mileage and so initially there is no pick up until the engine heats up.
Well this is not the kind of technology one would expect from honda. I waited for this bike because my hero honda 100cc delivered all my expectations. probably I should have gone for CBZ.