Hi guys ,
After my initial review thought will update after first service well last two weeks were eventul for me and my bike .
I had an accident and I actually fell from the bike one old guy came in front I was at speed exceeding 60 and I should thank the disc on my bike to save that guys life even though I fell , nothing serious happened some bruises for me and my bike (though leg guard was bent - I will advice all to fit this as soon as u take the bike - u never know ), my bruises healed and as far as bike I put some sticker on the front dome (100 bucks) and now it looks sportier !!!
Well as far as performance goes am pretty satisfied to say the least after first service engine has become more smooth , gear shift as always is maska and about mileage am getting above 56 - 57 in hyderabad more than enough rt - am using high octane Xtra premium petrol anyway !!!
No issues sometimes kick start while cold starting is a problem(3 kicks maximum without choke) and I think after cold start she drags for some seconds in 1 and 2 gear but after this no problem, I think normal for all bikes as the petrol needs some time to get fully into engine after a cold start .
I didnt go for any long drive so didnt exceed speed above 70 upto that she absolutely flies --- no probs and about service in hyderabad is really nice (i think you can trust honda to do the homework rt) --
Some features I would have liked better are (No not the horn as am satisfied with it and I like it this much audible only ) -
1) Headlight is not the best --- (At least worse that that of fiero, but in same league as pulsar and discover , am used to driving fiero so may be the problem)
2) Another odd thing is the seat they should have made opening like say activa as opening this is problem , sometimes if u put something inside (in my case the paper and owners manual ) it got struck that was a problem --- and feels odd wrestling with your seat .
3) Quick and sudden brakings at high speed if you dont use both the brakes judicially leads to skiding (tires could have been wider ) but this happens in all bikes nothing against honda.
So overall am satisfied with this bike and will update you guys after my second service and as I can see lot of unicorns on road (day I went for registration there were 8 unicorns in the RTO ) I am confident this is a success from honda happy riding guys