Hi all,
This is Vijay I think Im 1st one who has completed the 4500 km on my bike, still she is awesome, there is nothing like this, I have throtled till 115 kmph and she is as smooth as silk. If u have to wait for 2 months do that its worth.
FUEL METER: It is not that it does not work nbut if u fill the tank it works properly I have filled the tank and it worked but if u fill 3 or 5 ltr. It does not show that
DISK BRAKE: AWESOME not like pulsar where it jams the tyre if u want to put emergency brakes pump it it will do the same and it will save yur A** not like pulsar which jams the tyre till it skids.
MILEAGE: Im getting somehwere around 50 cuz the way I ride I had yamaha RX100 so thik of it and Im a reckless driver I pull accelarator like nothing, I screw up my bike still she is the same.
I have done wheelies and STOPPIES beleive me she is stable....
GUYS DONT LISTEN TO small issues like HORN, BACKLIGHT, HEADLIGHT just change it man. I have then bought 2 big horns and I attached it and more loder than any pulsar and I have attached the long SS PIPE as the leg guard
ACCIDENT: my brother had was trying some stunts and he skid the bike oput of control on dust and the bike wentdragiing on the raod for 12 feet and belive me nuthing happened except some scratches on the exhaust....
Thats it for now if u have any questions do ask.