I want to bye a bike in 150 cc range. I have tried CVZ, PULSAR 150, UNICORN, FZ16 etc. I have found the best is UNICORN for its riding confort, great balance and engine smoothness. So I am almost decided to bye honda UNICORN. But have some queires. I have gone through many site reviews, there I found
The bike has some problem while driving under the rain, it stops automatically. is it true ?
Three-four years back unicorn engine smoothness is no more there in todays UNICORN !! ( I have no idea about the old unicorn)
gear box problem !! is there any ?
what about the after sale service ? Is it satisfactory ?
Look is not my first preference. I need a good bike, after all this will be my first bike with my own money, so I want to choose the best possible bike within my range. please put your opinion.
thanks in advance.