First of I would like to thank honkIt team. Last month only I got an invite by one of my old school friend and I just signed up and loaded all my contacts details on honkit( as I was bit free those days) . To be frank that all I didnt used it much after that, just for occasional reminder setup. BUT it saved my day as I was on business tour to pune and lost my mobile. Seriously my life came to stand still, I dont even remember my father number. I was out of touch from everyone.
None of my business contact so my business trip was also on the verge of getting wasted as I forgot to carry my personal diary having all business contacts.Thanks full I got a reminder message that I need to pay my bill which I set long back at Honkit. wow! thats the feeling I got after reading my reminder. I hit the cyber cafe logged into honkit account and copied all important contacts and even mailed and sms my hotel contact and my situation to everyone via Honkit send message to group service.Once again thanks to Honkit Team.