Hoppipola - The Spring Hotel - Nungambakkam – Chennai is located at 11, The Spring Hotel, Kodambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. They specialize around cuisines. They charge pocket friendly payable budget of 1, 400 INR. for two people. Whereas their bar area charges 150 INR. for a pint of beer. They are functional between 12noon – 11:30pm. Indoor seating places are available.
Hoppipola - The Spring Hotel - Nungambakkam – Chennai have a very decent service. Their will melt you away. Their Chicken Wings is flavourful. Their Fried Cheese is well suited to quell your hunger pangs. Their prawn crackers will award you with a perfect taste. Their fish and chips will make you stay on and on till the end. Their old monk chicken wings are also absolutely drool worthy. They also have other luxuries like DJ and Board Games facilities.