We had recently planned our holiday atleast two months in advance to this so called resort, travelling by road all the way from mumbai a good 600-700 kms with family .
We make advance bookings. We send in the advance. We intimate our time of arrival a good 1 day prior
We intimate our location on the morning of booking date as the check is at 12 noon
After all this we reach at 11 noon an hour earlier only to be greeted by drunk manager and an tiring wait for a good 3 hours without food and sleep. The only explanation we get is that the previous tenents have gone forr appealing and have taken the keys along
Is this professional or what?
The food kept on the buffet was cold. Drunk people including the manager everywhere. Definitely not a family place
The neighboring bison resort has much better staff and professional people to handle it. This resort was what i heard was managed by some different people but now the management has changed.
Thinkin about visiting this place? Then think thrice ...or carry armedguards......