I have read a quite a few reviews and I have similar opinion. It looks good from outside - thats all. They simply dont want to spend on maintenance/infrastructure. This is what their own staff say.
Room # 326 - third floor.
Given sweet coffee to diabetic patient.
Horrible food. the canteen is like a railway platform.
Rusted commode - I was shocked to see this.
Completely broken toilet seats
No flush in the toilet; it does not work.
Emergency switch to call sisters is not working. Despite using this multiple times, nobody came.
Poor intra department communication.
When asked for a blanket, they told per hospital rule, the attender will not be given a blanket - funny rule.
No hot water.
Hospital staff themsleves say they management does not do anything to this in spite of the multiple complaints from the patients.
Lastly, I would say that they have tried to address allt he problems, but again management does not want to invest. They dont even have a proper MRI machine that will give accurate result while that kind of an hosiptal cannot function withoutan MRI given their line of expertise and treatment.
BUT EXCELLENT MEDICAL TREATMENT. Dr. Bushan Joseph is excellent who is a neuro surgeon.