I can never forgive Dr. Thomas Chandi who screwed my life and career in 2011. I had knee dislocation in 2011 and I took treatment from Thomas Chandi. I had recovered due to emergency treatment at Manipal Hospital but as I was getting this frequently, Hosmat suggested me small surgery of 30-minutes where I can be all right in 3 weeks and no further dislocations. I was happy to know - so I opted for it. However, when I was in operation theater, he changed my treatment and my operation took 4 hours. When I was out, I was told that they found something different after starting surgery and so, it was very serious. Now, I need to take rest for 6 months!(With no movement for first 3 months). I was literally shocked as I never had plans. He said - he has taken my permission to change treatment during surgery(How can he take when I was under anaeshesia?!). He never cared to inform my wife, brother and parents who were outside operation theater. I only feel he has done some big mistake and he was covering by saying different treatment - but I dont have anyway to prove. This is common there as he just hand you over to some junior doctors - so somebody in his team might have done mistake too. Also, he blamed MRI that it was not proper(so he could not find actual treatment needed in my case) though it was taken in his own Hosmat hospital only.
Due to his carelessness, I lost my all confidence as I took long time to recover. My career started declining as I could not attend office regularly and major time spent on treatment. After one year, I didnt have any improvement and then, he said - I dont have any other option than to go for knee replacement!
I was so much shocked - I started limping and using only one leg. This continued for 4 years until 2015 when another doctor consulted and he did MPFL reconstruction in Pune. I just took 6 weeks and I got 100% recovered! Now, I can do all activities and I am living normal life. Though, in these 4 years - I always concentrated on my health - which caused big downtime for my career and I lost 4 years limping. I can never never excuse this doctor and hospital who screwed my life for 4 years. I wish I could have sued hospital but I dont have any proof of what treatment he had committed and what he did in operation theater. Also, discharge summary is too loose - does not describe what was actually done(may be deliberately). If I would not have got proper treatment in Columbia Asia in Pune, I would have never known I could have been improved and come back to normal life without knee replacement.