My uncle had celebrated the fixing ceremony on his only son in Grand Hotel. He was suggested by the hotel about a florist called as Phoenix. He ordered flowers and decorative satin clothes to be hung along with the flowers in the hall. He was broken to see few minutes before the ceremony when they had decorated the hall with rotten flowers and satin clothes with lots of wrinkles. He told me all these by the end of the ceremony. He said, he had to run around in the few minutes before the ceremony finding good flowers and removed the existing rotten flowers and satin clothes with lots of wrinkles. Finally got very little good flowers in that few minutes. We found there is something missing in the ceremony hall, and finally when he cried to me in the end, I knew the missing thing. He had a long sad and a crying face when the florist guy came in the end for the money for the cloth. And he told me the next day that he had to pay the hotel for this mess too.
When I spoke to the manager on the day of the ceremony towards the end, after I saw my uncles sad face, the manager was asking me where do I stay, like as if he is threatening me. Dont know if they are getting any benefit from the florist. I never used any bad words, but I was very aggressive. And I really know that all who came there for the ceremony did not really come to eat and drink, but, because all love my uncle as he is a very nice person. In the end of the ceremony, my uncle told the manager after talking about this mess that, the manager had admitted that it was a mess and he had helped my uncle to get little fresh flowers and remove the mess. My uncle also appreciated the good cooks and good service. He said that the cook was very friendly to the guests, and he has never seen such a good cook in his life anywhere in the world he went to.