Recently I had been to Bangalore for a software project work. It was just a days trip from Pune to Bangalore and back to Pune on the same day. Flight from Pune to Bangalore - 2 hrs. And from Bangalore International Airport to Bangalore ITPL Park - 3 hrs! Yes because now most or rather all national flights land at Bangalore International Airport which is 3 hrs away from the ITPL Whitefield locality! Yes, so next time you travel beaware of this developments, no more the flight lands at the old city-centric airport! Anyways the topic is about this hotel Kadamba and how I came to know about it.
Well, being new to Bangalore, and that too for just a days visit, my schedule was very tight but still I wanted to taste some good south indian authentic food. However considering hygeine issues I was bit skeptical and hence settled down with usual Pizza Hut lunch menu. That cost Rs. 250 and still no satisfaction.
So when I had time in the evening someone local told me to try this Kadamba hotel in the Mall based in ITPL. I was still doubtful when I saw the place, it was huge but too crowded and I wondered whether the food would be hygenic and tasty. Kadamba has coupon system so I went and had a coupon of Rs. 20 for Masala dosa. Straight I went to the stall from where I had to collect my dosa, it was then when I saw a new dish, it was having some 2 small thick dosas and I wondered what this is, I asked the person who had come to collect it and he said it is called Set Dosa!
Voila, once I was thru with the masala dosa, I ordered this Set Dosa, it was for just Rs. 15, and believe me it was too good. I was really satisfied with the taste and also with the food I had. All of it cost me mere Rs. 35! Whereas I had paid Rs. 250 for the pizza I had for lunch but still the satisfaction that I had from this authentic south indian food cant be compared with the Rs. 250 Pizza hut pizza!
I would highly recommend this hotel based in the ITPL Mall, in bangalore, it is not posh or sophisticated like foreign brand restaurants like Pizza Hut but still it is good.
So next time, if you had to travel to Bangalore, then you know one place you can count on.