They claim it to be a Standard Three star hotel.With the same hope I checked to find common things like FLUSH not working, Not even a single Three pin point works.Acs are Window ACs and they Dont have a single Knob and yes the TVs dont work either.Yes but the HOTEL OVERCHARGES stating its a three star hotel. Secondly Mannerless and uncultured Fr*ntline staff who doesnt speak English well and dont know how to talk even to ladies.
NEVER checkin to this hotel with your WIFE or a SISTER because the staff doesnt understand this relation they look girls only with one meaning.And the manager does a good job protecting his fellows though he knows its their mistake so u as a customer stand nowhere. I was promised a 10% disc while I checked in to the hotel and the reception guy failed to mention it and to my shock I was presented a bill with the complete charge and when confronted with the manager he parted off witht he discount as if he is giving some Bhiksha or something.
But one good thing is the Resturant with Good interiors and food. But due to the mannerless and cultureless reception u get frustrated. Many good hotels u could llok around for the same rates or rather cheaper like, or Hotel Siddhartha regency or the Casino hotel.All these hotels are of the same range and rooms are MUCH MUCH better alongh