This was the 1st email service I ever used. BY signing up for a Hotmail email account/id, u are automatically registered (Signed up) for all other the MSN sites/services & can use/try its partner/sponsor sites. Its fast, easy & a good service.
As is the worlds largest provider of free web based email & popular, it has many companies/organizations participating/partnering/sponsoring, leading to loads of spam & junk emails to Hotmail users.
Spam & junk mails can be stopped to a certain extent. While signing up (registering) for a email account, just make sure u havent checked the 3 or 4 checkboxes at the bottom of the profile info page & dont subscribe for any newsletter(s). Dont even opt-in for listing ur email or info in the Hotmail Members Directory.
Companies/organizations use the members directory to get email addresses of people, & send them emails regarding the products/services they have/offer. Resulting in spam/junk mails.
U can also reduce the spam/junk emails by activating the bulk.junk mail option.
With a Hotmail id, u can chat with people through MSN Messenger & some other supporting chat clients.
There is a lesser risk of hacks & cracks as the MSN servers are all well protected. Msn keeps updating the security measures.
All the attachments in ur received emails are automatically check for virus with the help of McAfee anti-virus.
Try it. Its not such a bad service at all.