This all started with me buying a power bank(STK power bank, invoice number 106851421, customer id-106860160-indicated on the invoice, cost is Rs 799) on June 28th, 2015, bought from Shopprix supertech mall, Noida, Sector 61. I bought it from Hotspot spice having heard good reviews.
The power bank was fine for some days, but gradually I noticed that it is not charging my phone while I was travelling, and issues in charging had also started to appear. I went to the store and told them the issues being faced. They changed the data cable.
Still I faced the problem of not being able to charge my phone using the power bank and charging the power bank but noticed that while the power bank is to be charged, if I place small weights like a small lock, ac/tv remote or a clutcher because I would not be able to hold on the device for hours just to charge it . I again reported the same to the stores in July. They again changed the data cable, and said it is getting charged at their place, it should be fine now.
I still insisted kindly get this power bank checked as at my home, this is not happening, I suggested that they may advise any of them to check the same at my home and that might help them detect the issue or they may get it checked with the company where they have ample equipments to see where the problem lay. But this did not happen. They refused to do so. However, while conversations happended another agent there he tried to charge it at the plug point near the store managers computer and whilst he held the power bank it was getting charged intermittently(when the power bank gets charged, red LED gets lit up), so he observed in front of Mr. Pankaj that moment he is changing the holding position of the power bank and its cord, the red light of the power bank is going on and off, on and off so many times, it is not getting charged properly, which means that the port could be at fault. At that time the store manager was Mr. Pankaj. So having observerd this he still advised me " Kabhi kabhi carbon aa jata hai port pe tab bhi aise problem ho jati hai, lekin aap bill le aiye, mujhe phonee krke aiye, I would speak to STK and check with them".
precisley I need to get the bill/invoice number and call him up(He gave me his number as well) before I came to the store.
I located the invoice somehow and revisited the store 22 August 2015 again and told them that I still have to place weights to charge this power bank, change of data cable is not being helpful. The port could be at fault. I was explaining the same but Mr. Neeraj Kumar he was only willing to listen to his store associates than the customer. They still did not listen as they showed me it is getting charged at their place. Yesterday I did not see Mr. Pankaj and no one told me also that he has got transferred. I told the staff there that Mr. Pankaj had advised he would liaise with STK for this if I get the bill. This charging problem is recurring. They still denied and said it would work with the new data cable.
I went back home and again put the power bank on charge. and I removed it from charge when we had a power cut to avoid any further internal damage possibly with power surge once the electricity is back and all. I being a non technical background I thought of preserving this power bank as much as I could. But from the basic science that we have studied, I did understand that if I remove the small weights( a small lock that we use to lock suitcases or bags, ac remote control or TV remote control) while charging, the circuit is getting loose and hence the device is not getting charged.
So on 23 rd august 2015, the problem was yet not resolved. Hence I needed to take this to the stores again. I called up Mr. Pankaj but his number was switched off.
I went to the store, only to hear that this power bank is not getting charged and I have broken it. I advised that I have not done anything that would break it, I did not even know that this is the case, because after I removed it from charging while the power cut, I did not make any attempts to charge it again per my husbands advise.
So the store people and their new manager "Mr. Neeraj Kumar" who claims to have joined on 22 august 2015. Associates there advised Mr. Pankaj has taken a transfer from here. Now, because the store people have been so negligent in resolving these issues, I was really upset that for such a small thing I had to follow up so many times and every time they change the cord, the issues stands as it is. So all the associates were trying to reason out that here customer is at fault, I as a customer have no support. The store manager Mr. Pankaj whom I thought would be helping was no more here, the new manager was rude and blunt. As a customer I am upset and unhappy at the services, and here we have the store manager accusing me that I did this I did that and claiming that they have done their part. He raised his voice as if I am his sub ordinate and reporting to him.
I took the customer care number for STK and hotspot spice.
Mr. Neeraj Kumar said- " Haan aap kahi bhi complain kar do, kuch nhi hone wala".
I was really amazed at that confidence that he knows whatever the customer does, once they have paid up they would have to bear the brunt of the store and the device as it is not working properly.
The number for STK was although given from the pack of another STK power bank, but I could not get through to anyone. I ended up calling Hot spot spices customer care, where I spoke to Mr. Mukesh Bisht. He conducted conference call between me and the stores and still the store was not ready to accept their negligence. Mr. Neeraj Kumar was also called upon this call but as usual he was interrupting and arguing so ultimately he was asked to disconnect the call. I again called the customer care number to get the complaint reference number from Mr. Mukesh Bisht which is NCR2308153241.
My point is: If the physical damage is not covered by STK under the warranty they offer, what is the solution because, if I have been coming for the same thing again and again, this should have been addressed either by keeping the device and consulting STK like Mr. Pankaj had advised or someone should have come and observed that the issue here is for real.
I am waiting for a revert from their end, the customer care has advised I would be called in 24 hours.