One of the best book I ever read, and very useful to students and as well as elders who are fond of scientific development, this book would explain in detail about scientifically developed human means and growth of science in every day life, This one might make you pull your hair out. So if youre already bald you may need to read it wearing a wig. Also, you need a magnifying glass to find the plot. I had to take samples & send them off to a lab. Apparently there are detectable traces of story in here. But not sos youd notice.
The whole thing is a slow, ponderous crawl through the life of a Mr Third World Nobody who gets married by accident and appears to have four kids also by accident, without having any sex as far as I could see. Probably just pushed a specimen jar towards his wife every year or so, in between asking for the spicially and complaining about the declining quality of secondhand furniture.