Hosefull 2 is one of the worst movies ive ever watched. In fact, I feel bad for people who think movies such as house full 2 is good. Its a remake of a 1998 Malayalam movie called Mathupetti machan.
And what a horrible remake. Ive watched the original and Housefull 2 has captured none of the charm of the original. It saddens me that they couldnt copy a movie properly. The jokes were horrible and forced upon. At some points, it felt like, they are making a fool of their audience. It felt disheartening to see Akshay Kumar doing such a pointless and shallow role.
The slapstick comedy got very annoying after a point. Whenever the movie got boring, they introduced a scene with women wearing skimpy clothes. It seemed like the script was adjusted just to accommodate the item songs. All in all, give it a miss.