I just watched houseful 3 and am down in upset in writing this review I am really unhappy with the movie, the cast had really done a very poor work on the movie, even the story of the movie is worst, just making a comedy movie does not go with the liking of its concern as a whole, The movie is just a waste of time and it is not at all useful to watch the cast have not done any sort of work in any regard in the movie it is because of it the movie fails.
The movie also does not go with the expectations and this is the reason why it is not able to fix the accessories in the regard to the concern batch of people .
The work of the led hero is also not up to the mark and the story is also third class.
The movie though has a satisfactory ending but the entire story in between in so booring and a waste of time.
The songs of the movie are also not much interesting so that they can be listened too.
The acting just makes to laugh.
The shooting of the supporting cast is also third class.
The movie being also a sequel is also not of the upper two class.
the work is not up to the standards of the name the director and the producer has.
This is why I will recomened everyone to ignore watching such movie and end up wasting your time.