27th Jan 2017: I placed an order for Shirley book case paying full amount in advance-Rs.6490/- Housefull gave expected delivery date 15 days later as 12th February .It is a regular practice by all online vendors to give a safe delayed delivery date but usually good competitive vendors like (eg:pepperfry) always tries to deliver much earlier to their committed date and thus please their customer.
7th Feb2017: I got sms to my mobile from housefull informing me that my bookcase is ready to be despatched soon.I waited for shipping info which never came till date.neither did they ever inform me till I persistently call up and ak for info.
12th feb2017: the expected delivery date. no signs of any delivery of my ordered item .Again after so many calls and emails I was told that there is some truck services problem in mumbai and so they r not able to ship it to bangalore.( I wonder what kind of problem was that because I ordered 5pieces of furniture from pepperfry and 2 of them were shipped from Mbai to Bangalore well in time during the same period!)Finally they gave a delivery date on or before 18th feb and to my despair again no shipping details .When asked, they told as it is transported thru theirown trucks and no outsoursed ones they may not be giving specific shipping details!
14th february:When called customer care to find out whether it has been despatched I was relieved to hear that all orders had already been despatched by 13th evening from Mbai to Bangalore and will be reaching Bangalore in 3 days .
16th february: I got email saying my order will be delivered by 24th february and are sorry for the delay(Are they?)
16th february: Again no shipping details: I wrote to them that enough of waiting for me to do and so would like to cancel and refund my money at the earliest.To my surprise, they replied the product is in transit and so cannot cancel!
My questions to housefull: How can you run a registered business organisation so irresponsibly?
Customers are not fools who will pay in advance and wait forever suffering for your inefficiency. If you are not competent enough to handle an order closure do the needfull corrections at your end and not put customers at disadvantage .Do you really have a Head-customer support division who is responsible for supervising these activities?
Do you know out of the 6 orders I placed to pepperfry when one item was delayed, employee from ceo office called and apologised? That makes the customer feel that Company is run well with right intentions and we would not even mind waiting a bit longer.
I demanded getting transportation details of my order or else to do the cancellation and refund of my money .
LAST update: Today when I called they r telling another lie that it got shipped yesterday( same lie was told a week back as well) and they will deliver it by 1st March!
I wish I could have read all these reviews before placing my order!