They say the joy experiencing something unexperienced is also a wonderful experience! Please change They with zuludancing.
Experience 1: A picture is worth thousand words!
A few years back, a sweet friend of mine handed me an invite for a painting exhibition held at the prestigious Jehangir Art Gallery at Mumbai. This friend who was an ardent lover of painting accompanied me to this exhibition. One hour that I spent up there was an absolute treat for the eyes. The painter had managed to pull quite a glamorous crowd of babes for his exhibition. And need I say all those pictures(Read babes) were worth thousand words. Oops.asli paintings ke bare me batama to bhool gaya. That sweet friend spent atleast 2 months and a few thousand of words explaining me those weird pics. Eureka! Here I discovered how a picture is worth thousand words.
Experience 2: Believe in yourself!
Empty mind is always a devils workshop and if the workshop works 365 * 24 * 7, then its good to start selling the workshop products out to the people.
Now the devil needed his own vehicle for touring his territory and he stumbled upon one mighty beast called The Enfield Thunderbird, a 350 CC cruiser bike from the baap of all Biker company, Enfield. To find the information about this beast, the devil in zulu marched to the internet beast called google baba. The google baba thrown some decent results to the devil and he grabbed them all with hungry soul.
One particular piece from this google baba ka potli enticed the devil in zulu much as it was a collection of few reviews written by the actual Thunderbird riders. The zulu scanned all these reviews and the interactive format of this site caught his fancy.
First Review:
He thought lets write on something that he knows about, only to discover that he was afraid. He always thought speech is mightier than the pen. Thoughts can expressly be communicated by speaking than penning them.
But again, the Believe in Yourself made him write on a small restaurant in his area. The first review wasnt a big draw, it managed to received one comment where the lady commenting agreed to my feelings about the restaurant.but on the same time made some fine advice to add more contents.
Here comes second and third and fourth.
A few good suggestions on the site and visits to some restaurants made zulu write few more reviews.
The confidence was on the rise.the funda of believe in yourself was on the prowl. Zulu managed to gather onto few good friends. At the same time, he tried with products other than the restaurants and voila.he discovered that its becoming an habit .
Star Writer:
Habit coupled with consistency gave zulu a star writer stamp. His mugshot was now visible on the Frontpage of MS!
The Sensation: I can write!
The reviews from zulus pen crossed 50 and one day he gathered courage to break this unique achievement to his family. He can write too!
The personal touch review on Black won him praise from near and dear ones!
The sensation was unique. Ive discovered Mouthshut, Ive discovered something in me! Yes! I can write! I can write!