Msing – the best habit I’ve ever acquired yet!I’ve been a girl of reasonable wit and intelligence, not
much experienced in life.
One day I was busy writing my assignment on Bachelor of Arts
by R.K. Narayan. I had finished writing my assignment. Just thought for a
moment that I’ve net at my home I can find something about this novel on net. Let’s
check out. This was the mark where I discovered with the help of Google.
I just read the review that popped in front of my eyes. I liked
the concept that reading the readymade review on the subject that I want is
near my hand and is so simple. Then suddenly there I found a column where I could
write my own review. I got a chance to rediscover my self. To discover that I can
write well. I wrote with an innocence in
my heart And mind to share what I felt. I was basically not really in favor of
this novel as it didn’t add anything to my knowledge rather had wasted my time.
Well I had to do so as demanded by my college and exams.
Next day came. I checked
my gmail account and I found that it was almost flooded with mouthshut alerts.
Oophs ! That was quite unexpected, but at the same time such pleasure to find
that people are reading, voting, commenting on my review. I got a sense of
I was so deeply touched by this concept where people can not
only read what the wish but also write their views. I made my father read my
review. Now that felt all the more good.
Exams came and I got engrossed in my studies and forgot
mouthshutting. After my exams got over I checked my gmail account. And guess what?
I found more mouthshut alerts. I had no idea that people still read my same
review on that silly novel. But whatever, I felt very good. I watched a new
movie called GURU and got deeply influenced and thought to share my views with
ms. Writing this review was a great experience as I had a chance to show
my writing skills when my mind was completely relaxed! Oooooophs this time I felt that I have more
talent then I have always thought of. My father, my friends. My teacher who
read it – all of them said I wrote well this time and I should try my hands more on writing.
Now I got to know that this is one platform where I can
really rediscover my inner self. And I did. Now even I’ve become so fond of
mouthshuting that I can’t stay without browsing it everyday.
I must say instead of wasting time on orkut, hi5 etc one can
do a talent search within one’s self.
Mouthshutting is one landmark where people all age groups
can rediscover themselves.
Not only this, one can make friends, check out what phones
to buy and what movies to watch on weekends. infact one can find reviews practically on everything . I was impressed that this website not
only is in good shape, provide a ground but has some policies that one can’t misuse photo column.
That good about mouthshut. And this is the reason why I’ve
no photo on MY PICTURE column. I maybe tried to misuse ashs photo in this column. one more thing I could not find the reason why the owner
has named this website as I guess probably one tends to stay
quite and just read or write. We just keep our Mouth shut file we’re here ;-)
I guess I’ve made the readers read what’s good about this
sweet little website and shared my memories with my home page
So gals and dudes rediscover your self and keep mouthshuting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!