The marble index of a mind forever
Voyaging through strange seas of thought alone
I discovered ‘Mouthshut’ on a supernatural journey.
It was July, 2003 when I was watched John Abraham’s ‘Saaya’. I have always been interested in life after death and ahem, John.
Though this movie is slow paced, I was deeply intrigued by the plot. And thus started my attempts to know as many opinions about it as possible. The obvious destination for any seeker is Google. ‘Saaya’ and ‘review’ took me straight to Premjit’s review of Saaya titled ‘Dead’.
That was a beginning of a never ending journey.
What is really remarkable is that the first review on MS I read was by the best reviewer on this site. I was absolutely impressed and floored by that review. I was hooked. As I read Premjit’s reviews, one by one, I realized that most of his reviews were far superior than even the professional reviewers.
I decided to become a Mouthshut member though I had not thought even in my wildest dreams that I may start writing here. I have never considered myself to be even an average writer (I still don’t) and the idea of actually submitting a review sounded outrageous. Yet, I wanted to send an M2M to Prem, appreciating his writing skills and generally to gush and wax eloquent on his reviews. After much deliberation, I did send him an M2M. And to my surprise, he replied, in his typical courteous way, thanking me.
And I thought ‘Wow ! This is a site where you can actually interact with the reviewers.’
That was about all for the time being. I put an alert on Premjit’s reviews and went back to my normal life. I would read his reviews, appreciate them silently and that is how things remained for many months.
However, slowly, I was noticing other reviewers in Prem’s comments section. And before I knew, I was reading their reviews regularly too. My favourites at that time were Nikamma1112, Koshish, Deepshikha, Pavithrashinde and Peaceful. It was only later I realized that there were many other greats in this site that I had missed - and I made up for it by reading them later when I became an active member.
An year passed before I mustered courage to pen down something that looked like a review. My first review was on ‘The Other side of Midnight’. I was at a total loss when I had to give it a title. I simply named it ‘My favourite’. (How un-original of me !)
I can never forget the feeling I got when I got my first alert telling me that my review had been read by Cousin2. Wow ! Someone had actually read my review ! And when Cousin2 and Diver rated my review as ‘Very useful’ almost simultaneously, I was on the top of the world. When I got my first comment by Ena, (in my second review) I was excited but frankly, I did not know what to do with it. Shall I reply back in my comments section ? Shall I send an M2M ? Shall I just sit back and do nothing ?
Being the shy, unsure person that I am, I just did nothing about it. It was only after many reviews later that I finally started replying back to comments and soon, I was enjoying myself. Mouthshut was getting addictive. Mouthshut was becoming an obsession. It was a high. It was like a roller coaster ride.
It’s been a year since then. I am still here. I suppose some things are too good to be true. And Mouthshut is one of them. And about discovering Mouthshut, I am still discovering new aspects of Mouthshut everyday. And loving every moment of it.