In the last few years, the easily available credit cards and loans in the market have superbly enabled us to increase our purchasing power way beyond what our salaries ever could.
I can now buy just about anything on EMI by availing of these loans and
credit cards - be it a car, a house, expensive jewellery or a branded watch
that costs almost more than 10 times my salary! What bliss. and all
because of the availability of credit at this age. Its a lifestyle I
so enjoy, but one which I know I must curb at some point. I have been
telling myself that I should stop spending too much on my card because the
bills at the end of the month tend to bother me. This heavily
credit-dependent lifestyle makes me feel good and experience things I
otherwise, but it also stresses me out every now and then. I tell myself and
I want to stop but I cant seem to! Its almost like an addiction now. Its
frustrating every now and then.
Anyway, logic not prevailing, I have been continuing the same lifestyle. I
dont think I will ever be able to stop it completely but regulating the
habit is something I am looking at now. I have begun to search for some way
in which I could possible get some professional guidance on "how
much" of this indulgence was ok for me at each point. To what extent could I
indulge and still manage to pay my bills and EMIs? To what extent can I
afford to live on credit and yet not be stressed about the bills?! How many
loans can I take and still manage to pay off the EMIs comfortably every
month so that I am not in a situation where I have no money in the last week
of every month!? For how many months of
the year can I afford to continue paying the minimum on my credit card?
Would any of you be aware of any such service that I can avail of? Who do I
approach for such advice? Would be great if you could write in and advise me