Hii friends, My name is Shubham Tripathi and I have passed class 10th in 2014 and so I shared a personal experience with you and if your board exam is near , in case of , we have give the best revision tips for you.
Best Revision tips-
The dream of every student is to score the best in the exam , many student study a lot throughout the year , but still they are nt able to perform very well in the examination.the reason for this is the inability to revcise the the correctly for the whole year is forgotten at the time of examination and you dont get right result of your hard work.
Friends , when I am going to appear in the 10 th board examination this time and dont know right way to revise before examination , then advise given here is useful for you.
Choose a private location -
Revision is not study that you should speak out loud so that your concentration is made , revision is done to the learned , the previously understood repeat again, this is possible only if you do it a place.a few days before examination you should choose a place in the house where there are no disturbance , revision does not happen correctly
When is repeatedly distrurb.
Time management-
You dont get much marks in the exam just by writing big answers in the exam your time management gets your more marks it should be practiced in the same way as a text read , create your own time table and practice making consistency time table created doesnt forget the memories by studying and making time table and the study is also done in the right way.
Keep taking the gap in between study-
You should gap between study and you dont bored.
4.Previous years questions pratice daily during examination .
So My finally advise you follow this tipsand get a good result in board .
Best wishes for your future
Thanks you!