Well, I know that JEE is considred as the one of the toughest exams conducted in INDIA.
I am a student of class XI at DPS RK PURAM.I wouldnt talk about things that have been discussed already in almost every review.
This review is meant specially for those like me who have wasted away all their XI class time in reading books like irodov and dc pandey.
Seriously I dont say that they r bad but are too lengthy for doing.
Also you all have to study for 4 hours on school days and 8 hours otherwise.U should also practice for studying for 3-4 hours continuously as it improves your performance in EXAMS.These study hours are exclusively for JEE studying.
Another important issue is about the CBSE boards , your parents must be after u all as many of u would have been top scorers in class X boards. But as u know that u have to sacrifice something for gaining other things .Convince your parents not to bring their ego(their respect if u score good in school exams) between you and your JEE preparation.Tell them to wait for an year more and then they would feel proud that their son/daughter is in IIT.
Another question is about the ideal study time .Well it can be any time but I prefer night hours as the best study time -- spl. after 11 pm.As their is nobody to disturb you at that time.And another advantage is that then u go to sleep in school and you are saved from the boring lectures that the school teachers give to you.Also remember that u should waste minimum time to prepare for your school exams . I feel that a one day study is enough for them(at least for XI)
Aso try to build a company of friends who are seriously studying for JEE as it helps u to know new questions and concepts. Also I would request u all to play some kind of sport or musical instrument as only study for 1.5 years at a stretch is not possible.
I seriously recommend those who are preparing for JEE not to waste any time in petty issues like deciding which book to read . And ANOTHER WARNING --
STAY AWAY FROM GIRLFRIENDS as they are the time wasters .If you have a girl friend then immediately leave her as they tend to cause lack of concentration.
Now let us get down to some books that r useful
1.Brilliant Tutorials modules and YG file.
- TMH Mathematics
3.Your coaching institutes module
1.Brilliant Tutorials module
2.Solomons organic chemistry
P. Bahadurs Problems in physical chemistry
Ur Coaching institutes module
Physics --
- DC pandey (Objective only)
2.H.C Verma
Brilliant Tutorials module (YG file)
UR coaching Institutes module
Do NOT waste any time in studying NCERT TEXTBOOKS as they are very confusing and once you read them you are even confused with the things you know though MATHEMATICS NCERT is GOOD to prepare for school exams.AND ALSO has some questions of JEE standard.
Seriously believe me that the above mentioned books are sufficient for preparing for JEE and I am finding them very useful.BE positive and believe in yourself.
Hope to see u all as a succesful JEE candidate.REMEMBER that u are the only one who can help yourself in getting through JEE.Do not listen to what ur family members say .
As for getting into IIT 2 - Hs are important HARD WORK and HUMILITY.