Petrol Bunk Frauds in India
When you ask to fill fuel at petrol bunk for Rs. 1000, bunk attendant fill for Rs. 200 and say yes sir filled for Rs. 200. You say, No, I asked you to fill for Rs. 1000. Sorry sir, I heard as Rs. 200. I will fill for the remaining amount sir. He will continue to fill for Rs. 800 and say yes done sir. We think that 200+800=1000. But he really filled only for Rs. 800, because they didnt reset the meter and filled only for Rs. 800 instead of Rs. 1000. This is much known fraud and many of us victim for this kind of frauds.
Some time when ask you to fill the tank, the meter shows larger than your tank capacity or above your thought. It may be because of tampered meter or the petrol level in the storage reservoir is nearing the bottom, the machine is takes the air in between, causing the error. When oil tanker downloads fuel, the quantity used to be low and with dust because of air bubbles and mix up due to the force.
Petrol bunk people make reasonable money and you are always loser when mix oil(manual measurement) with small quantity like Rs. 50 and calculate approximately with lesser quantity. So prefer to reduce the fill with large quantity.
You may have different kind of cheating but most of those things due to our careless mistake. There are few recommendations to avoid these kinds of frauds.
1) Before go to petrol bunk, you should approximately calculate fuel requirement based on the fuel cage. Always try to fill the full tank and note mileage using with trip meter. Reset trip meter immediately after calculating the mileage on every time(trip meter reading/ltrs filled now). That helps you to reveal if any fraud while filling fuel and also check your vehicle performance. The mileage is direct guide which tells about your vehicle like heart beat for human.
2) Get down and be attentive when filling the fuel without losing your attention. If someone in the bunk is trying to speak with you then they are trying to divert you. If you are speaking over the phone, then you may be the victim. Speaking over the phone must be avoided for any fire accident
3) Use credit card, normally those bunks accepting the credit card sell more fuel. Also transaction is evident against any fraudulent action. You don’t get exact change when you give cash. It may be small amount, but if you calculate for one year which is considerable money. Normally attender cheating money wouldnt go for bunk owners, when use credit card that is stopped. Also credit card gives bonus point and few cards like SCB Millenium card is giving 2.5% cash back beyond 2.5% surcharge. I used to save at least Rs. 25 on each fillings for my car. So CC transaction is accounted and tax money will go to govt. Before filling you show the credit card to notify that it is not cash txn.
4) Try to fill fuel in the morning or during cool time, so you get more quantity than in the hot sun(liquid density is higher in the cool condition).
5) Try to go same petrol bunk at maximum possible to establish good relationship as regular customer.
6) Also when you visit to the bunk, say hello with smile to the workers and give respect instead of treating them as laborer. Mostly they return very positively and feel happy for your approach. Once I was filled petrol and forget to get change, when I went next time that lady reminded the last instance and gave the remaining cash. Dont suspect as everyone as fraudulent person. There are many good people are there between few frauds.
7) Your vehicle match with some specific fuel like HP, IOC, Shell etc. You can find based on your experience when you calculate the mileage every time.
8) If you find many local yellow board vehicle in a bunk which is likely a good petrol bunk. That is why local vehicle operator used to choose always those fuel bunk. So you can believe it.
9) You should be careful with the fuel bunks in the highways, especially not crowded petrol bunks are risky. Because those customers are highway passers, though they may not come again which allow them to do fraudulent activities including adulterated(mix) fuel.
10) Oil company’s direct outlets are better place you get pure petrol/diesel. Also Pure for Sure kind of special bunks is ensured by their quality team. So it is better than the other.
11) Many of us use to keep few litters and rest empty, that evaporate due to large open space and you lose mileage. So keep your tank above half mark or full.
12) When you ask to fill the tank, they fill beyond the brim even up to overflow. They used to shake the vehicle to release air and fill up to the brim. This is not advised. If your tank is 50 ltr, beyond 50 ltr there will be another 6 or 7 liter open space will be there. When you park your vehicle under sun it fuel density reduce which increase the quantity. So this space is used to account this increase. If you fill at brim, it may break your tank or start leaking through cap due to extra pressure. So please avoid this action for safety reason. On the other way, you may be feel cheated that bill comes for 55 ltr when your tank capacity is 50 ltr. That is because of using this extra space. Skoda and VW cars have a button inside the fuel tank, on pressing the button it releases the air inside the tank for fueling(so no need to shake it as others does). This button for air release, the post the auto cut off, we have to press and hold the button for a few seconds and start fueling in, continue the same procedure for 3 -4 times and here she goes. It will steadily gulp in at least 55 liters.
13) Also mentioned that all most of the cars can consume at least 6 liters more than the capacity mentioned in the manual.
14) Finally don’t forget to check air on each fuel fill, otherwise you may lose mileage. Don’t wonder, I lost about 20 km/ltr mileage lost for my. It is really huge to account it!
I hope this helps you at some extend! If you have some more experience please share it to benefit others including the list of bunks which is fraudulent.