Very good in syle and in weight a circle shape logo in centre
1.weight: 2.19kg
2.length: 15.6inch
3.core: intel 3, 5th genration
4.ram: 8gb
5.graphic: 2gb amd graphic
6.keypad: sand yard
7.warenty: 1year in hardware and 1year in software
8.price: 33, 500
9: window: dos
About quality : Long runner like every hp laptop and battery is also very gpod runs four to five hour while watching videos and works one hour moer if on it is on its battery is realy good. Line desighend front which is of silver colour. Inner part is also silver coloured and mouse is in centre if you look its mouse you will feel stylish.Lower part is black coloured cant get silver in bottom at this price. I like it very much because I am using it from 8days amd it is working great so it is my best laptop consist many things and features like such things that I say about it in dedcription.Go to the hp shop or buy it because it is a good laptop at this pricr if we compare the price to other loptop compnies its price is realy good like compare to laptop of dell , acer, sony, vaio, etc.Go, go, go, go and go to the mearest shop and buy it.Let talk about quality it is very good and also very help full in doing work.
Compny is touratable and it is good ny name of compny go to the shop amd buy it right now sp buy it .it has to usb connectot & 1ear phone connector 1dvd driver snd one card reader 2
.0usb connector hd camera micro phone it provide us many facilities .it help us
It can solve many problems easily
It is very good fot our daily life wr feel happy now get it .it is the gwalior city wise very intresting laptop .for education it is very helpful .i always want this type in my life it great appotunity to me now share my feelings with you for middle class family child in a home that is student of infoation technology under progranne of indian government go and buy it becouse it is good for your child and for your family also so go and buy it I know such thing about it becouse I am using it from eight days so once again go , go, go, go, go, go, gooooooooo and buy it thankyou.