I bought a hp laptop and was very much satisfied till I suffered lot of problems. It developed a hindge in the lower right corner of TFT screen, well luckily my laptop was in warranty period and I gave it to HP helpdesk people for get the parts replaced. I gave my laptop on helpdesk on 6th november 2008 and I am writing my review on 4th of december and till date I dont have any response regarding my laptop.
And best part is that cces are saying tht they dont have the parts available all over india since last month and to my great disappointment even after calling the concerned departments again and again no one is giving a response. They are not able to track my complaints and no response. I wonder with such a poor after sales service how come they wish to stay in business for so long.
Also I was about to buy a new HP laptop this month but after such a roller coaster ride with HP for one month I dont think I will go for one..
Also here I would like to mention tht I am very much brand loyal kind of person who sticks to one brand once I am assured about the product their brand and product performance.