Let me share my feeling for hp laptop and their people, bought laptop almost 1 and half year back, from ghaziabad, model no. Rz819pa V3228AU serial no. 2CE70991RS, this model having problem from very beginning, worked 4 -6 month without problem, .
After that its like routine for me to visit service center in one or 2 month gap (some times 6 or 7 times in month), almost 9 times they changed mother board, and still facing same problem, I requested hp to replace my pc or upgrade my pc with best version, ready to pay them rest amount, they first said ok, but later on keep saying we cant replace whole unit (executive dedicted for upper area of india).
Now again I have visit RT outsourcing services, G-7/B, Patel nagar, ghaziabad, one engineer told me that this model has problem from very beginning, I told them if u know this ....y dont u change, he said he dont have power to do so, made so many mails call to hp people but no reply (regarding replacement of laptop), already invested to much to save my datas, bought policy of 6000rs for additional warranty, wasted so much time and money, dont have words to express u my pain, plz advice what to do, should I file case against them....