Hello friends in 2013 I bought a new printer of HP DeskJet D4300 Series .As I like HP products as my many friends have same printer like that so I decided to go for it . As I was happy that iam getting Good company printer . But really was it worth buying? The Answer is no . I Have lost my all money in one year only . Yes The Brand Company Printer Only worked for one year After that it started getting issues.
What I dislike(problems)
-Printer Only worked for one year
-I Refilled Cartridge for 2 times but nothing happend.
-i Bought New Cartdridge But Nothing Happend.
If branded company items will give this result then where to buy where to believe .
My another friend is now facing similar problem His printer worked for 1.5 years only .
So now both printers have been Thrown in the dustbin as its of no use . And my 6000+ Extra of Cartridge refill+ New Cartridge have been wasted . Yes the refill also got damaged after putting it in the printer .
I will never buy HP Products from now . Sory Hp but u have lost two customers .
What I liked
Do u think will I like a branded product which only works for one year .