Hp laserjet p1566 is a printer in which paper handling is too good. Every paper is picked one at a time while in other variants of printers there is a most common problem that sometimes printer picks up 2 or more pages at a time and the sequence of a sheet gets spoiled.
The printer is very easy to use. But you have to u understand the pattern in case u want a booklet printing. Once understood there comes no problem in printing.
Service and support of hp for this printer is very bad. As the most common problem that occurs in p1566 is the speed of paper picking gets slow after more and more use. And once they take ur printer for service u have to wait for 15 days to 2 or 3 months.
There are not too many features present in this one. The printer can print only on the command provided through the computer connected. There is no Xerox or another option given. All the other options like booklet printing is also done manually.
In all this is a good printer in low budget.