It is the Best in its range
It has nvidia Geforce 940m 2 GB it is New in the market
And Intel( r) HD 5500 2 GB
Total 4 GB
It has 5gn i5 - 5200u CPU 2.2GHz
The performance is better than 4gn i5
It has 8 GB
But in realty it has More it is 8192MB DDR3 Sdram
Hard drive
It has B& o
Sound card in it
Usage and performance
I am using it for gaming
I have played NFS most wanted 2012 on very high settings no problem at all .no lag, no over heating
Far cry 3, very high settings
Far cry 4 high settings
Dot 2 very high settings
GTA 5 medium and high
For me it is the best