This so beautiful super slim lapto . This laptop beat apple mac book pro . Which is launched in 2016. This laptop has fastest chipset i7 intel processor and have 8 gb ram and 1 tb hdd and 4 gb gpu graphic card . Battery backup is medium and it has 1080 p oled display which beat apple 4k display if you dont belive then you can watch on youtube . Hp laptop body is oil free byt apple body is not oil free and hp have comfortable keyboard like pc keyboard but apple keyboard comfort is medium . This is super slim latop like apple mac book pro. You can use hp laptop for music composing a d graphic designing and videp editing abd also for high grahic game playing totally this is powerful laptop this hp laptop beat apple laptop . If are going to purchase laptop then please purchase hp laptop it is better for you . And one thing more hp laptop has 3 power usb port but apple have only one . And apple have one hdmi cable but hp laptop have hdmi cable and ps4 cinnecting power cable tootally hp is better and faster