I shopped around for a number of features when I bought this computer just over two years ago. I wanted something that I could expand (extra hard drives, extra devices, cameras, and the possibility of new equipment not yet out). This has 7 USB plugs, a firewire, an extra serial port, and the usual printer/monitor/trackball stuff on the back.
It came with Windows ME (no longer being offered, but a better gaming platform that the Windows 2000 Pro I wanted to use). I set up a dual platform with software called Partition Magic and set it to default boot to the Win2000 side. I only turned on the other side when my kids wanted to play their games or when I wanted to use the computers DVD player. I have since shifted so I use the Win2000 side all of the time, but after two years this computer is still a real powerhouse.
I didnt buy the HP monitor. I needed a larger one with better resolution for my web design work, so I bought a ViewSonic PerfectFlat A95f. It was more expensive than HPs monitor but it also has a three year warranty and has been great.
You can purchase a more powerful machines now with faster processors and the cost less, but thats the way it is with computers. I think Ive gotten my moneys worth with this one. My last computer was a laptop, but I decided I could live without that portability--computers are everywhere these days and I can use someone elses. I prefer to be able to get under the hood of my home computer without having to work really hard to open it.
This machine came with a CD-writable drive, DVD, and standard floppy. I installed a 250 meg zip drive.