If you are in India and are thinking of buying a computer from HP please take all precautions. My experience is described below in the interest of general public.
In November 2004 I buy a PC, - (Then HPs second most expensive. t730i. Serial No.INI44503ZF).
HP delivers junk, beautifully packaged. It does not work, and has a host of problems, both software and hardware.
HP first tries to fool me, by disabling defective functions and declaring that the PC is alright. Even online updating of Windows was disabled.
I see through this mischief. Request for replacement with one that works goes unheeded.
I am told in stead to get it repaired by their engineers. The defects are only in software they declare, and are not covered under warranty.
But a day or two after this pronouncement even the mother board is changed. Is mother board software? HP has no answer.
Getting the PC repaired turns out to be no easy task. It takes a lot of effort, time and even expense for me. The process is so time consuming that my medical and dental treatments are disrupted. ( I am 70 years old and not in good health).
I purchased a PC to use it; not to get it repaired. I again request for a replacement, but no one listens.
The PC does work off and on for sometime after each bout of repairs, but develops problems again and again. In time I find that most of the software, including Norton Antivirus, which I paid for, has been removed.
I find myself at the mercy of a merciless Company just because I committed the crime of purchasing their PC!
Unbelievable, but true; this carries on for as many as 5 months! Even then they cannot repair the PC fully!!!
My health suffers in these 5 months.
I am without a working PC for 5 months. It is already May, 2005 and I get fed up, both with the PC and the company.
My repeated requests for replacement with a PC that works, or even 50% refund are ignored all through this period. HP does not even reply to my emails.
The then CEO of HP in the USA, Ms. Carly Fiorina, promises to look into the matter, but actually does nothing for months.
The present CEO, Mr. Mark Hurd does not respond the first time, but acknowledges the second time I write to him. But does nothing.
After innumerable attempts to repair it at my house, HP takes the PC to their workshop for major repairs for the second time in May, 2005 !
I decide I have had enough. I refuse to take it back in the interest of my health. I consider it foolish to ruin my health for the sake of a mere fifty grand PC. HP is informed by a fax message of my decision on May 4, 2005.
I am too infirm to take up the matter legally, and HP is aware of this. I also do not have the needed time. I wish to attend to my health, and start enjoying my retirement once again.
In May, 2005 I acquired another PC for my needs. That put me back by another forty grand, but I was relieved to be, at last, off the hook.
I ask for nothing while HP hibernates for 4 more months.
There is some talk about refund, but only on telephone. Nothing officially. I tell them that HP must also compensate me for all these months of torture. Those who talk to me, all Indians, are very sympathetic, but HP keeps quiet.
On September 2, 2005, over 9 months after I purchased the PC originally, HP wakes up and offers a replacement. (Under the same warranty!). No mention of any compensation.
I tell them I have already arranged for a PC and I do not need another. Deafening silence after that. I know that if I could take HP to court they would return to me with their tails between their legs.
HP has their PC and also my money, and are obviously very happy!!!!!
I am preparing to celebrate the first anniversary of the purchase of an HP computer.