HP Pavillion tx1003au looks attractive and useful when you play with it first item.
The problem starts when you fulfill your desire to purchase this laptop.
After 2-3 months your motherboard or DVD or WiFi Or Screen with no display problems will restart.
One of the most Pathetic customer care service they are having. If you have already purchased the same you can only feel that.
Their Quality department has no quality.
They have high level of miscommunication between them only.
From service centre you may get call sir your laptop is ready please come and collect.
When you go there you will come to know Quality Test has not happened. You will be asked to come next day. You will receive the laptop. When you start it you may feel some noise is coming from somewhere in your laptop.Those HP smarties will see each other and then tell you to wait to fx this again. Then only you can come to know about their Quality check service.