It include elementary textbook and concealer in entirely one ram this effect possess masses of qualities like1. Its fall with the scenic packing containing a cylindrical letters sachet with two unusual parts, one of them suppress briefing and second one delimit concealer.2. basic coverage and concealer in cooperation are grease free.3. at what time I depletion basic coverage it blends effortlessly on skin and without difficulty absorbed by skin. basic coverage removes the driedness, its enormously imperative to put elementary textbook before applying foundation, as foundation dried out the skin briefing makes a layer between skin and foundation consequently its dont designate it dry.4. basic coverage cross pores and makes skin even.5. Foundation is iron on applying and its absorbed by skin too.6. It hides each and every one the detectable lettering on my fake and offer me drawn tone.7. depressed detriment and approvingly convenient for me.8. Its exceptionally easily hurt towards skin as I function it from lots of months previously but nonetheless dont get a hold any rashes or other skin problem.