HSBC is doing a very unethical business. I am using HSBC card for last 3 years. August I got a letter stating hsbc is stopping the service for all their classical cards and ask me to clear the dues. As usual I got statement at the end of the month with due date and minimum amount to be pay.
I paid the due amount before due date. On the next statment I came to know that hsbc has charged late payment fee. I have paid the payment via icici cheque. they have credited back the clear amount to my account on the same date and debited the amount after due date from my account and charged late payment fee. What I understand is that hsbc is taking an additional amount willfully by doing this. That is from a card holder who hold the hsbc cards for last 3 years.
Dear all,
pls say, is this unethical???
For this issue I have called customer care for waiver of this amount. They denied my request.