Ive been a forced HSBC customer for over 4 years now
(corporate salary account and no choice till recently).
I could use adjectives galore - but heres a few examples
instead :
opening the a/c:
Both of us work and nobodys home during weekdays (usual
story). Now with Citibank this has worked so far with
alternate addresses, or them co-ordinating with the courier
HSBC - well sir, ull have to come here and pick up ur ATM
Pin no and card
This is despite the fact they have people coming to our office
3 times a week to pick stuff up!!!
So I asked them to cancel the PIN no and destroy the card
immediately - Id transfer the cash into another a/c
HSBC - are you sure ?
Hey - I just told you - did I not ?
Last 3 months statement
I needed this for a loan.
HSBC - Weve been sending this to you every month - dont
you keep it somewhere ?
Gee Sorry maam but could you please fax it to me right
away ?
HSBC - sure thing
(no show)
Please fax me 3 months transactions....
HSBC -sure thing
I get the last 10 days transactions in a fax
HSBC - We just sent you the previous one before that and
this is all that shows up on my screen
Yup - but I need it desperately - whom should I call ?
HSBC - Please come and collect it from the branch...
I finally did get them to send it - after 9 days!!!!
A pal of mine in the office took 10 days!!!! At least theyre
consistent. (But yes - he was also charged a whole lot of
Customer Service
Again - not long ago (before their call centre) no one ever
picked up the phone - and their work hours were lesser and
less convenient than those of public sector banks in Bangalore
User Interface aka Call Centres
Sir, could you please tell me which city youre in ?
(*after verifying my TPIN etc - surely they had my details
on a screen...*)
Credit Card Benefits
I usually do not go to places where Id go broke despite
the discounts - so ended up never using these - check out
stuff Citibank / Diners Club offers.
Credit Card Renewal
Its a corporate tie-up - I did not even ask for the card
but got it cause I work at such and such place. So when the
office shifted - they needed to have kept track of all the
addresses of every card issued to this corporate at one shot
rather than ask N people to send in letters etc.
Anyhow - debatable and so the card got to the wrong place.
Now it wouldve returned to them and when I did call up
and inform them of the new address - they shouldve resent
the card here.
What they did in fact was reissued a new card and charged me
a 105/- for it!! Ive never used the card (Citibank earns
me some decent points) and only paid this amount so far for
a card I did not even ask for.
Can u beat this...?
The Gods smiled on me - and were moving banks :) So obviously
I was in a hurry to severe all ties with HSBC. Guess what
(after I logged into the IVRS)
HSBC - Sir youll have to come to the bank.
(aaarrrrgggghhh - its miles away and I do not freuent that
part of the City - ok if I send email/fax/letter?)
HSBC - No Sir - please visit the branch.
I mean whats their hangup with technology ? If the phonebanking
thing is not safe enuf why offer it ? Letters always worked
so why not that ?
Well - Ive decided to let the a/c die a natural death.
(Im sure theyll remove the zero balance benefit soon and
charge me a fine :(((((((((( )