I am a HSBC Powervantage customer for more then 3 years now. I have a personal loan and a credit card also with the same bank. And I regularly use that card, and the charges get reversed if you do the card payment with the delay of a day or 2 late. I dont find any reason why people find it bad.till day I have not found a single mishap in the account related stuff, infact I also got the 10 Gram Gold coin when I did a shopping worth 50000 Rs, and yes this was the part of there 10% cash back offer.
There charges are exhorbitant and sometimes you will find irrational, but they charge for the services, you cant find everything for free.
If anybody has any questions on this feedback then do not tell me, bacause I cant help you, as I dont know anybody there in the bank, as I never had a chance to go there personally.